If you are attempting to activate a Phyn Smart Water Assistant and are unable to complete the PRV Check and see the error message:
"Error - Something went wrong. Please try again", follow these steps to resolve:
Bypass the PRV Check
- Launch the Phyn App which should still be at the PRV Check screens
- Tap the back button two times until you are at the “How do you get your Water” screen
- At this screen you will see the following options:
- I use public water
- I use a well
- I'm not sure
- Select “I use a well” (Don't worry. You can update the Well selection to the correct selection in the following process step)
- The PRV Check is now bypassed and you will be able to complete your Home Inventory
- After you have finished setup, Setup is Complete will be displayed.
- You can tap Explore the App to familiarize yourself with the operation of the Phyn App
Change the "Well" Selection
- Tap Menu > Account > Home > Plumbing Type
- The following options will appear:
- Well
- Well is selected.
- Change to the correct selection, i.e. NON-PRV